Rated 4.8 Out Of 5 Stars From 70 Verified Reviews

6mm / 8mm Gothic Building Mega Bundle (131 STLs)

$298.00 $398.00


The STLs are scaled for 6mm. To scale for 8mm increase the size by 10% (i.e. 110% size).

The Wargame Forge Gothic Building Mega Bundle contains 131 printable buildings and the epic (no pun intended) Senate Building.

The buildings contain a mixture of single story to multi-story, L-shaped, T-shaped, and other shapes, given you access to a huge variety of buildings for your games of Legion Imperialis, Adeptus Titanicus, Battle Tech, Epic 40k, or whatever else you plan on using them for.

This bundle saves you 25% off the normal price of buying the buildings individually.

All of these files are optimized for FDM printing and do not require any supports.

Digital Delivery

We'll send you an email with links to your downloadable files as soon as your purchase has completed.

You can also view purchases and downloads from your customer account on https://forge.miniwargaming.com/account

Refund policy

Digital Product Refunds

Under most circumstances, we do not issue refunds for digital products after a product is distributed.

For all return or refund inquiries, simply email support@miniwargaming.com.

Oh, and we don't hide our email address or phone numbers from you either, so you can get a hold of us when you need to.

Happy Wargaming!